This is the morning of the 2nd race day. No race, that would count, sailed yet in the Worlds. The first race was abandoned for too much wind just after the 2nd leg to wind. Too bad …Gallant had a comfortable lead, Llanoria did well and Saskia had retired for a broken forestay. So far for the Pacific North West team. By the way each of the 3 boats had a win in the previous tune ups…..
The ISMA meeting :
Good news …bad news? ….We got the Worlds 2017 unanimously….West Coast of the States or Canada (I had to smuggle this in, my apologies)
GPS…allowed, but not for racing…..similar like cell phones
Sail label fees unchanged € 100..
Certificate valid 4 years if ISAF agrees….
E-newsletter…..a discussion group has been formed…..
50 mm allowances for classics/ the issues around replicas…all sent back to the Technical committee…
That’s it for the moment…..more on our blog…we are now heading out to the first race….on the 2nd day…hopefully…..
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