(from westportnow.com )
It is with great and sincere regret that we note the passing of Briggs Cunningham II’s first wife Lucie at the age of 104 on July 17, 2012. She was the mother of their children, Briggs (Briggs III) Cunningham III, Lucie (Lulu) Cunningham McKinney, and Cythlen (Len) Cunningham Maddock. Lucie was the granddaughter of Edward Thomas Bedford, who was a director of Standard Oil Co. with the Rockefeller family. She is survived by 19 grandchildren and 31 great-grandchildren.
Briggs and Lucie were married in the summer of 1929 then sailed to Europe on the ocean liner Europa. They enjoyed their honeymoon while taking car tours and racing sailboats almost every day. After about a year in Europe, the couple returned to their new home which had been built for them in Greens Farms (Westport), CT while they were on their honeymoon.
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