Back home and in the water

It has been four weeks now since we finished the European Championship in Sweden, packed LUCIE up and send her on the journey home to the US – a long way: over the road on a flat bed truck from Stockholm across Sweden to Gothenburg, then on a ocean steamer from Gothenburg via Seebrugge to New York ad finally on her own trailer from New York to Newport.

Yesterday LUCIE finally arrived back in Newport, and everything went well, with her modified trailer and covers for hull and spars she takes the long travel without any complaint.

There are still six weeks to our sailing season in Narragansett Bay, so the crew decided to use this time to do some more tuning sails, prepare the sail inventory for next years World Championship and do some friendly racing with the Newport fleet of 6 Metres – starting this coming weekend with an entry to the Museum of Yachting Classic Yacht Regatta (part of the North American Panerai Classic Yachts Challenge) in Newport.

So no time was lost – LUCIE was unpacked yesterday afternoon and the mast was dressed again this morning. Shortly after lunch time LUCIE again hit the waters of Newport – tight as a drum. The rig was hoisted in, a main sail was bent on and the running rigging is back in place. LUCIE will live at the IYRS dock for the remainder of this season (IYRS, 449 Thames St. Newport, RI 02840) where she can be visited.

The LUCIE crew is looking forward to the Museum of Yachting Classic Yacht Regatta this weekend where she will compete against at least four other 6 Metres – wish her luck and fair winds for the weekend, there will be an update early next week…



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