LUCIE at rest

After LUCIE was hauled a little over two weeks ago she is now resting comfortably at the Baltic Boat Works storage and maintenance bay in Bristol. Hurricane Sandy did not leave any traces around the shop, for a few hours the shop was without power, but absolutely no damages are to report.

A full inventory of all gear, spare parts, running rigging and equipment was conducted, everything is sorted, labeled and stored away for the long winter. LUCIE has been thoroughly cleaned from bilge to deck and is now resting very comfortably in her “artificial wet storage”: The Baltic Boat Works shop features concrete floors and even though we don’t use heat in the winter these floors tend to dry out wooden boats. But it also makes for a very clean and safe shop… So in order to help the wooden boats thru the winter and prevent the dry out of the hull and the then following leaking in the spring we set some of our winter residents onto poly-foil which then gets pulled up to the waterline. Some bay water inside the foil keeps the climate for the hull at a perfect humidity level thru out the winter, some burlap inside the bilge keeps enough moisture on the inner planking.

After the complete clean up the whole boat gets a cover of poly foil to protect it from dust.

LUCIE’s maintenance plan is under review right now and we expect to start working on her right after New Years.



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