2013 – 6 mR World Championship – Day 1

The 6 Metre World Championship 2013 in Flensburg has started today!

For anyone asking why there was no LUCIE report from the second day of the Sterling Cup: LUCIE did not go sailing yesterday. During our regular morning inspection of the rig we detected a suspect fitting at the cap shrouds and decided to take the rig out for a more thorough inspection and ultimately ended up resetting the fitting to make sure LUCIE’s rig is in perfect and sturdy condition. The rig went back into the boat by five in the afternoon – right in time to make it to the big party at the Robbe & Berking Classics Yard – where all participants of the Robbe & Berking Classics Week, the Sterling Cup and the 6 Metre World Championship enjoyed a wonderful evening in a perfect setting with great entertainment, food and drink.

This morning though LUCIE and crew were eager to go out again and get started on the World Championship – the main reason of our campaign this year! Weather conditions were perfect with westerly winds around 12 to 15 knots and the usual flat water of Flensburg Fjord. First start was shortly before noon after the 12 Metres and 5.5 Metres went off for their last races to the Sterling Cup.

The first race was a bit rough for LUCIE, unfortunate wind shifts and the choice for the wrong side of the course made it hard to keep up with the leaders but the second race went very well with a perfect start and this time all the right decisions. In this second race (a three up and down course) LUCIE stayed in control of the fleet and only go beaten by one single rule III boat: the mighty FLAPPER – like LUCIE home based in Newport, RI.

23 boats were competing in the classic division today, a very spectacular sight at the starling line and on the downwind legs… We are looking forward to more great racing the next few days…


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